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A Collective Thank You to Sharon Ho Chang

Writer's picture: southendstoriessouthendstories

by Beba Heron and Dayanara Almon

Sharon, an Asian American woman with long dark hair, smiles at the camera in front of trees

Sharon Ho Chang, South End Stories Youth Blog Manager, has stepped down recently. She was the first blog manager, and an essential part of making it what it is today–– a platform on which South Seattle and greater King County youth can publish and receive compensation for sharing their voices through art, writing, poetry and photography.

Aside from her invaluable work on the blog, Chang is an extremely accomplished writer–– author of “Raising Mixed Race: Multicultural Asian Children in a Post-Racial World”, “Hapa Tales and Other Lies: A Mixed Race Memoir About the Hawai’i I Never Knewas well as having had her work appear in BuzzFeed and the South Seattle Emerald among other well known magazines and reviews. Her work also goes beyond writing, spreading through other forms of art such as photography. In addition to her written and visual works, Chang is also an activist and community organizer. Recently, in Taipei, Taiwan, she organized a march against anti-Asian racism and misogyny. In celebration of her time on the blog, the community has shared fond memories and experiences of what it was like to work with her.

“Sharon always puts social justice and equity first. It's such a pleasure to have worked with someone who never loses sight of who she is trying to make the world better for. She's an incredibly special person.”

- Francesca (Cessa) Betancourt, Current Youth Blog Manager

“One of my favorite memories of Sharon was watching the sun come up during our weekly communications check-in after she had just moved to Taiwan. I think it speaks to her incredible dedication and passion for the work that she was up and running at 5am (sometimes earlier!) to meet and discuss plans for South End Stories and the youth blog. Thank you, Sharon, for making the world a little bit better every day through your wisdom, bravery, and love.”

- Kelly Karcher, Program Manager

“I am so thankful for Sharon and her time with South End Stories. Sharon was instrumental in developing a blog for youth by youth which has had an immense impact on the community.

Thank you, Sharon, for your friendship, guidance, and commitment to your community.”

- Donte Felder, Executive Director & Founder

“Sharon is a visionary teacher and leader. She embodies the mission of South End Stories and is dedicated to aiding and inspiring young people, myself included! I was lucky enough to work under Sharon last summer, and she completely changed my outlook on writing, activism, teaching, and journalism. She helped me further develop my voice and values for which I am eternally grateful. THANK YOU SHARON! YOU'RE AMAZING!”

- Moriah Reibman, Former Youth Blog Editor

“I'm incredibly thankful for Sharon, and so honored that I had the opportunity to work with her on the SES youth blog. She’s so inspiring anZd driven and supportive, and I learned so much from her. She had a huge influence on the way I view the power young people have to drive change in the world, which I am eternally grateful for. Thank you so much Sharon! I appreciate you immensely!”

- Beba Heron, Youth Blog Editor

“I am so grateful to have met and worked with Sharon. Through my experiences working with her she has guided and mentored Beba and I to be the best that we can be. From this I have learned new lessons that have fueled a newfound passion for me: writing. She always gives 100% to her work and the people around her. I will never forget the lessons she’s taught, and the impact she’s made for me and for South End Stories. Thank you Sharon!”

- Dayanara Almon, Youth Blog Editor

Thank you Sharon!!


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